General FAQs

We recommend you call the number on the back of your insurance card to make sure we are in network. If you still have questions, check out our Insurance FAQ page or reach out to our billing team.

Yes, we offer both but check provider profile to make sure your preferred provider offers the option you would like.

No, we do not. Please contact your primary care doctor if you need resources for these types of services.

Yes, we offer ADHD Testing. If you are interested in ADHD Testing, please fill out our pre-registration form here. We also have Dr. Cynthia Churchill on staff, a psychiatrist who specializes in medicating ADHD adults age 18 and over, and Carla Morris, LPCC-S, a therapist who specializes in treating ADHD.

Our medication FAQ page should help answer any questions you have about this!

 If your child is 18 years or older, for HIPAA reasons we are NOT permitted to talk to you, even to schedule/reschedule appointments. Please ask your child to sign a Release of information form (ROI) if you need to speak with us.

It depends on the provider. Please check out each providers profile page to see which services they are offering at this time.

For new patients, check out this page.
For current or returning patients, check out this page.
If you have questions, you can always call 614-360-2600 during business hours to get your question answered.

Check out our Insurance FAQ page for a current list.

Check out our provider directory and either use the contact form at the bottom or email them directly by clicking on their name.

Complete our online records request and it will be sent to you in a minimum of 10 business days.

Complete our online complaint form and we will investigate and respond to your concerns within 30 day.