Eating Disorder Training
Learn at your own pace with this recorded training.
About the Presenter
Asia Place, LPCC-S, CDCA has 9+ years of experience and training in eating disorder treatment.
- Clinician in the Partial Hospital Program for Eating Disorders
- Assistant Director of the Intensive Outpatient Program for Eating Disorders
- Level of Care Manager and Intake Coordinator
- She has attended numerous trainings and conferences to stay current with research and treatment models in the field.
1. Cite statistics regarding the prevalence of eating disorders in specific demographics and populations in order to identify patients who may need to be assessed for eating disorders.
2. Identify the triggers, correlations and various causes of eating disorders, including the basic neurobiology of these disorders.
3. Review the DSM-V diagnostic criteria for Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders, and Avoidant Restrictive Feeding and Intake Disorder.
4. Incorporate diagnostic criteria, specific eating and behavior questions and standardized screening tools to accurately assess and diagnose eating disorders.
5. Identify restrictive eating disorder behaviors/symptoms, clinical objective binges, and purging compensatory behaviors/symptoms. 6. Recognize signs/symptoms of orthorexia.
7. Explain steroid use and its relationship with “muscle dysmorphia/bigger-rexia.”
8. Compare and contrast compulsive, excessive, and/or unhealthy “ED-ercise” vs. healthy mindful movement.
9. Compare and contrast Eating Disorders and Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD).
10. List potential medical complications of eating disorders.
11. Distinguish levels for care for eating disorder treatment and criteria for admission to each.
12. List and utilize at least 5 of the evidenced-based treatments and interventions for treating adult clients with eating disorders at the outpatient level of care.
13. Identify at least 3 places where patients can receive specialized, higher level of care treatment for eating disorders in Ohio.
14. Use information and resources to educate clients and supports about body image, fat phobia, diet culture, eating disorder behaviors, diagnosis, medical complications, and evidence-based treatment interventions.
With CEUs- No longer available
Without CEUs- Was $69.99 Inflation relief price: NOW $50!
- Unlimited access to the training video for personal use (not for public broadcast)
- 4 hours of training by an expert in the field
- PDF of slides
Links to download video and handouts are EMAILED to you immediately in your order confirmation. Be sure to put the email you want them sent to on the checkout page.
Training is appropriate for professionals (counselors, social workers, marriage and family therapists, dietitians, personal trainers, medical providers, teachers, etc) as well as family, friends and loved ones.
Continuing Education
Disclosure statements
Agenda (Content)
Statistics and prevalence in specific demographics
Triggers and correlation
Hour 2
DSM-V diagnoses
Athletes and steroid use/bigger-rexia
ED-ercise vs mindful movement
Body Image/Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Level of care criteria
Medical complications
Assessment questions
Screening tools
Hour 4
Evidence-based treatments
Interventions for outpatient level of care
Where to refer for specialized treatment in Ohio for higher levels of care